My Progress

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hello? Anyone out there?

I kind of doubt it, and don't blame you. It's been 3 months since my last post, crazy!

I'm hanging in there and despite not being an active participant in WW, have gotten below my goal weight! Still not as toned as I would like to be, but I have all kinds of time to work on that as long as I can continue with a more healthy lifestyle to stay at the same weight.

I've been walking a lot more lately and I've actually worn a hole in the "air pod" in one of my Reebok Easytones, and the other foot is probably not behind. Everytime I take a step there is a "whoosh" sound. I find this development pretty annoying, considering the price and only having had them 3.5 mo. I guess it won't hurt to check for some sort of warranty, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

A new pedometer based competition at work has made me "step up" my game- har har. Luckily the weather has been gorgeous the last couple of weeks so I have been taking my entire lunch break to walk about 3.5 to 4 miles! Now I'm thinking that the only way to increase my steps any more is to jog....I am NOT a jogger (I refuse to call what I do running b/c it's so slow) but I can't add time to my day, so I'll just have to try and get more steps in in the same amount of time that I have now. So.... I started my first day of Couch to 5k today! I'm not sure I will finish out the program, but I would at least like be able to a jog/walk combo on my breaks to increase the distance to 5ish miles.

So, with this new jogging routine, I was thinking about buying new shoes anyway, since the Easytones are designed more for walking. Still sucks that they didn't last longer though!

Looks like another beautiful week ahead, so wish me luck in my endeavors! I'll make it a point to keep up with my C25K progress on here, so at least that will guarantee frequent posts for the next several weeks (assuming I continue with it that long!)

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