My Progress

Friday, October 16, 2009


I'm up 0.2 pounds this week! Not the right direction. And even though I can't say that I am surprised (hello pizza, cake and cupcake on Wed!), that doesn't mean that I'm not disappointed.

In other news. I have been able to make it to the gym twice this week, and will go again today on my way home from work, so I am pleased with that. Additionally, I have done a quick ab routine every night plus walks when this nasty weather has allowed. So it's not all bad news. At least I did some good things exercise wise even if the scale didn't reflect that.

As far as continuing with weight watchers... I'm going to give it one more month. I honestly think I've gotten what I can out of it right now, and just need motivation to get me through, which apparently needs to come from somewhere else. Therefore, I've decided that since I am so close to my 30 lb goal that the new "deadline" is going to be right around my birthday (which is Nov 14th). This change comes mostly b/c I want new clothes!!! I know my mom is going to give me some $$ for my birthday and I am just sooo ready to spend it on a new wardrobe, that I don't want to be in a situation where I have that few extra pounds to lose before I get to go shopping!

weigh-in nerves!

Leaving in about 10 min for WW meeting and weigh-in. I feel like last week I was spoiled with such a good weight loss that I am going to be really down-heartened this week and it makes me nervous to go! Esp being soooo close to my goal!
Stay tuned...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Biting the bullet

I enrolled at Planet Fitness last week! It is only $10 a month, but not really what I am used to in a gym. I enjoy attending the group fitness classes, but this is just your basic gym with weights/machines and cardio equipment. But I have decided to stick with WW for a while longer, so I can't justify paying more to get more.

There is a section there called "30 min express" that has a selection of weight machines designed for a full body workout. They have a stop light that lets you know to switch between the machines and a cardio interval (they have a stair step) to finish a good workout in.... 30 minutes! It will probably get boring pretty quickly, but it's a good place to start and if I am able to get this done about 3 times a week, I hope to see some toning and definition in a few weeks!

Weight-loss is still going pretty well, even though I am still a tracking loser! I did gain 0.8 lbs a couple of weeks ago (too much celebration for Michaels birthday!) but overall I am down about 27.5 lbs. I'll have to check my weigh-in book later to make an official update.

Unfortunately I got stupid and instead of setting my WW goal at a loss of 30 lbs, I set it for 150 since it would have been sooo close. So instead of having about 3 lbs to lose I still have about 5..... Hopefully they will go by quickly :)