My Progress

Monday, June 29, 2009

Long Overdue Update

Happily for me, my lack of posts does not mean that I have fallen off the wagon as far as weight-loss is concerned. As of Friday(after 6 full weeks on WW) I am down 11.4 lbs !

Despite a good number, I have been feeling a little down b/c I am not seeing the weight-loss. I look down at my belly and it appears just as flabby as before. But my pants do seem to be falling off me now, and when I was de-cluttering our closet I found some pants that had been put away for several months before I even got pregnant. When those fit (albeit snugly) it made me realize I need to give myself a break. And it also made me happy to think that I won't have to spend a bunch of money on clothes that will hopefully just be "in between" clothes to tide me over until I reach goal weight (crosses fingers)!

I was able to get some decent exercise this weekend walking 18 holes of golf (only a par 3 course though, so it's not as long) and I carried my bag the whole way too! It would be nice to do that more often, but the time and money restraints just aren't working for us.

This week, my goal is to do some abs and strength training each night before bed. And I have to buy a pedometer that actually works, b/c the one I have is so annoying that I almost feel like it's a waste to take extra step when it won't count them (how messed up and backward is that!??)

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Wrong Direction

After being on vacation and not counting a single point since last Saturday, I am up 0.4 lb! I'm obviously bummed that I gained, and I worked really hard at curbing what and how much I ate, so it would have been nice to at least see no change on the scale.

I got several comments from family on how "good" I was being. I didn't eat more than one delicious cookie dough truffle per day (even though there was a whole plate sitting right beside me all evening) and I didn't get any ice cream during our ladies day out! I also didn't finish the lunch out that we had- that is definitely a rarity for me, but I will need to practice it, b/c restaurant portions are way too big 99% of the time.
Oh and did I mention that we got back from vacay just in time for me to go to my work picnic the very next day!? Bad timing, but oh so yummy!

So now I need to get back on the points bandwagon!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Early weigh-in/meeting

I've decided to make Fridays my meeting and weigh in day so that I can get it done during my lunch break and not have to figure out how to get there on Sat. mornings while someone is tending to Emily!

Sadly I only lost 1 pound. And although I had a feeling I wasn't going to do as well, I am still a little disappointed after being spoiled with a good number last week. I did no exercising and barely even took walks.

So 5 lb down and 25 to go.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An unwelcome visitor

I am currently playing host to everyone's least favorite aunt. Sorry to bring that up, but hey, it's a fact of life I guess.
This week is going to be rough b/c my symptoms are tired and hungry (among others)- not very conducive to losing weight, eh? I can only hope that I do well enough to get myself out of this week with little damage and look forward to doing better when I can!

Although, I am happy to report that I am FINALLY going on vacation next week, and we all know how hard it is to reign yourself in on vacation! The best part of this vacation? My mom is going too, so I can actually enjoy myself and Emily b/c I won't be running after her the entire time. yippee!