My Progress

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 2 (ish)

I technically finished day 2 out of 3 on week one of C25K. However, on day one, I thought I was supposed to walk 2 min/jog 1 min, but it's really walk 1.5 min/jog one. Plus, I have been having MP3 issues, and have had to use my phone to time myself. It's really hard to try and jog or even walk when you are looking at your phone every 5 sec! So I am thinking that I might just have to start with day one again tomorrow- assuming everything is working for me by then!

Also, I probably need more time at this level anyway, b/c yesterday when I approached even the slightest elevation, I was probably "jogging" at about the same pace as I walk (when I am doing my fast walking). Yuck! I would just relegate C25K to the treadmill at the gym, except that something about it really throws off my equilibrium and I have seriously almost fallen off the thing just walking before (more than once actually)!

So that is where I am with C25K; poised to start day 3 (or 1- ha!) of Week 1 tomorrow. As for the rest of the day, I think I'll take a long walk to Harris Teeter to buy a gallon of milk, maybe a coffee from Caribou and also mail some yucky bills at a box along the way! Everyone enjoy this beautiful day!

Oh, and Happy Birthday to my momma, except she is having some health issues right now and will be going to a Dr appt to hopefully diagnose the problem. Prayers from everyone that it's nothing serious :(

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