My Progress

Monday, April 26, 2010

Am I Vain?

well yes, I think all humans are to a degree, but in particular, am I really vain for wanting to get a bunch of pictures taken of myself b/c I feel like when I look in the mirror all I see are the same old flaws? Pictures are a little different, it's like you can be a little less objective and see what others see when you look at a photo. Like a couple of pictures that I was accidentally in from Emily's bday party, I was like, ooh, that shirt does look good on me; my arms are kinda toned; etc etc. I really want to get to the point where I appreciate how I am looking and feeling now, b/c despite my best efforts maybe it won't last and I'll have wasted this time looking past my accomplishments and zeroing in on all the flaws.

So anyway, that is what is going on in my head. As for my exercising; I officially completed week 2 of C25K last night, but I'll have to check what the next level is, to see if I need to repeat it before moving on. Unfortunately though, even with new shoes, I am feeling some pain in my knee area. It's weird b/c where it hurts is like the sides of my legs extending a few inches above and below my knees. So I guess it is the tendons connecting my knees to the top and bottom bones of my leg? On a happier note though, I am going to be rocking it during all my exercising soon b/c my IPOD and armband both just shipped out today- wooohoooo! When I first ordered the expected arrival time was like 2 to 3 weeks away and I was totally bummed, so I am glad that it is not going to take that long.

Oh and I am about to order a 2 piece swim suit for the first time ever (other than tankinis that I have had)


  1. There are a few shots of you from the Saturday get together, and you look great! Even my husband commented on how much weight you've lost.

    I'm sure one of our fantastic photographer friends would be happy to take some pics for you though! :)

  2. thanks C! I know others see it, just wish I did more. Though it could be the fact that I see me in the buff and usually hide my more problem-y spots from the world :-p
