My Progress

Friday, April 23, 2010

new shoes and plugging right along

I finally got some new running shoes yesterday. It has probably been at least 6 years since I bought actual running shoes, so I guess it was time! Kohl's was having a sale, as always (I swear you need to re-evaluate your life if you ever pay for something full price there!) plus I had a 15% off coupon so I was able to stay under my budget of $40 max while still getting a name brand shoe. The absolute cheapest shoes of course weren't available in my ridiculously big size *sigh*.

I was also able to find a route by work that is relatively flat- not huge hills like the greenways at least- and also isn't crossing too many intersections and business driveways. Which means I completed day 2 of week 2 on C25K! How in the world can 90 seconds feel like sooo long though!? and how in the world will I be able to run further when that seems so bad?

It might be a struggle to get my next scheduled run in on Sunday since we will be busy all day plus it's maybe supposed to rain. We shall see!


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  2. Congrats on your new shoes and on finding a good running route. You'll be amazed at how much your stamina will improve as you continue the C25k.

    You look amazing, by the way! You have done a great job of keeping the weight off!
