My Progress

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hoping there is some truth in advertising!

This week I was finally able to start using one of my Christmas presents! Who has seen the Reebok commercial with the woman that has the toned legs and butt that I could only DREAM of having? Well, I saw it back in November, and since I couldn't get them for my birthday present I decided to see if I could add some EasyTones to the old Christmas list. If you haven't heard of them at all, here is a description from one of the shoe websites:

"The Reebok EasyTone Reeinspire is designed to help give definition to your legs and butt. Simply walk and let the balance pods under your shoe do the rest. The slight instability created by the pods feels similar to walking on sand and forces your muscles to work a little harder, toning you up as you strut your stuff. The EasyTone™ technology improves muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves and glutes up to 28% – not bad considering all you have to do is walk around as usual."

I figured this would be a good option for me in the quest to tone up, since my main source of exercise other than weight machines is walking. After 3 walks I obviously can't say they are "working", but they did make my knee feel better after I literally thought I had fractured my knee cap on Sunday! So why not try to get a little extra oomph out of something I am already doing, especially when I can get momma to pick up the bill :)

As far as keeping up with my weight-loss, yet again, all I can say is that my pants still fit! I also ordered 2 new dresses online in a SINGLE DIGIT SIZE and they fit too! whoa- didn't know that was possible after being in the doubles for....forever. That is another reason I need to step up the toning effort in my legs especially. These dresses, while not indecent or anything, are way WAY shorter than I have worn for years. Luckily I have a couple more years until I am OVER 30 (you're not over 30 until you are 31, right? :p) so I figure I need to take advantage of still being "allowed" to wear short things according to 'the rules'.

I've also finally gone through my Cooking Light magazines from the last year and compiled a bunch of recipes that I hope to start trying out. We need some variety in our meals, and they need to be healthy, so if I try some that we really like I'll definitely share! It's a little disappointing to see that they can't make all their yummy desserts good for me though :-p

1 comment:

  1. How do you like the Reebok shoes? I'm really curious about them. I think I'll stick to running, but I may give shoes like that a try one day!
